Friday, 17 October 2014



Howde Folks,

Yes, Sofia still here. Lady M is on cloud nine. She has received the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD from Lillian Nader and will be nominating others for the award later. She's still in dreamland about that trip to Chilwell ten days ago and all the fun she had. AND on Monday a courier arrived with the proof copy of LOVE YOU FOREVER. She took it to the library and proudly displayed it on a stand for everyone to see during the afternoon tea session. Hopefully, she will have her first copies for a launch at the West Bridgford Book Festival on 25th. But, she's still waiting for the press release and the company to make it available to the public. So, it's fingers crossed.
However, tomorrow, Saturday 18th, she will be one of the five authors signing books at the Wellington Library in the Civic and Leisure Centre for their book festival. She's just praying that SatNav doesn't let her down. She's not been there before. This is Wellington, Telford in Shropshire. If you fancy joining her the postcode is TF1 1LX or if you're in the area and see a red Micra going round and round in circles please point her in the right direction. Anyway, for one week only she is coming back to do her own blog while Donald and I pop across to our favourite New York place. So, I'll hand you over to Lady M.

Love Sofia  xxx

Hello Everyone,

Yes, I'm back for one week only to follow the rules of this award.

A big thank you to my friend and fellow singing horse, #12, our paper mare, (stay tuned!) who has nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award. I met Lillian when we both entered the Next Best Author Contest last year. I am both surprised and delighted to be among those nominated for this award.

One Lovely Blog Award Rules:
  1. I need to thank the person who nominated me. check!
  2. Share 7 things about myself that you still may not know. check!
  3. Nominate up to 15 bloggers. check!
  4. Notify the nominees that I have done so. check!
  5. Put the logo of the award on my blog site. check!
Seven things about me you may not know:

I gave some considerable thought to this and decided to share seven of my momentous magical moments with you.
  1. In 1976 a friend and I flew to Moscow for New Year's Eve. We stood outside the Lenin Mausoleum, when the temperature was -30, waiting for the changing of the guard and then truly experienced "Midnight in Moscow". That was followed on New Year's Day with a troika ride in the snow in a forest just outside Moscow. A magic and momentous time.

     2. Not so pleasant but something I feel everyone should do. Not exactly magical but definitely   
         momentous. In 1984 I took a party of people to visit the Holy Land. On the tour we visited the 
         Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. I will never forget the feeling I had or the sad hollowness in   
         the eyes of  those victims. Our guide was Jewish and didn't go in. He'd seen it before. We
        were all stunned but not one person regretted seeing it.
      3. Enjoying a steak and soaking up the atmosphere of Bourbon Street in New Orleans in 2003.

      4. Princess Margaret conferring my B.Ed. degree at Keele University in 1973.
      5. My favourite hymn is "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" after a magical moment singing it
         by the Sea of Galilee in 1975.  "O Sabbath rest by Galilee, O calm of hills above, where

     6. My Groundhog Day, the one I could happily live every day for the rest of my life, is September
         17th. After the magical day in 1969 when I left home for College.

     7. September 16th, 2000. I received the first copies of my first book, TIME & TIDE.

It is my pleasure to nominate:

Richard Denning  has a blog named Richard's Ramblings This takes you to his blog at the Wellington Festival. Richard is a member of the New Writers UK, writes children's historical/fantasy books and is a games enthusiast. He is a director of the UK Games Expo. I once asked him when he slept. His reply, "What is this thing you call sleep?"

Lisa Fender, Lisa lives in Colorado and has released her first book, The Lorn Prophecy. She is working on the second book. Her blog is Lisa's Djen Den -She gives a lot of help and advice on writing and keeps readers abreast of her family life.

Lizzie T Leaf,  Lizzie is a prolific writer who manages to juggle several projects at a time as well as an active family life. She, too, lives in Colorado but loves visiting England and thinks of it as her second home.

Cindy LapeƱa, Cindy and I met through the Next Best Author Contest and she is another one of my Singing Horses, #00 and a dancing queen. She is a writer and an artist. Just one of her blogs!

1 comment:

  1. Eeekkk, Thanks for the nomination....

    I will follow up on this. But I (we) are rather swamped. But I will follow up!
