Friday, 8 May 2020

Lockdown 7

A memory! Afternoon tea at the Tower Ballroom, Blackpool

Hello Everyone,

Today should have been one of celebration, and commemoration as the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Alas, all social events have been cancelled. There are some events on social media, and television. Katherine Jenkins is performing in a solo concert at the Royal Albert Hall to an audience of nil! To all veterans of that war, those who gave their lives, and those who are still with us, and endure the memories, I salute you, and offer you my undying gratitude. Colonel Tom, you are a representative and fine example of those stalwart men of your time prepared to pay the ultimate price for the rest of us. You continue to inspire us. Rock on, Colonel Tom!

We are in our seventh week of lockdown. Above, I've posted a memory. One day, we will be able to do such things again. Enjoy eating out and other experiences. For now, what we have are our memories and we need to treasure them and the time we have with our families. 

Here, in the UK, we are told there maybe some easing of restrictions next week. We live in hopes as we see other countries slowly coming out of lockdown.

This week, I would like to share my daily log from last Saturday. Please enjoy it.


Day, whatever oh, 40. Saturday!

The sun has returned from its sojourn and now I’m dreaming of who else would normally visit later today. Who am I missing? You’ve guessed. My darling Antonio, his melodic tones as he comes round the corner to my back gate, parks; waits for me, and my neighbours, to rush out. I would grab my two £1 coins from the stash by the kitchen door, and zoom out there for my “99”. Memories.

It’s also the first weekend in May, and traditionally a Bank Holiday weekend with fun, activities, holidays, happiness, traffic jams, airport queues. Oh dear. Me thinks I’m dreaming. Business companies instead of raking in profits, particularly the hospitality industry, hotels, entertainment, restaurants, and aviation are looking at losses and wondering how much longer they can survive. We heard of Ryanair’s plight yesterday. I’m sure we’ll hear of more in the next days.

What makes this disaster even worse is the fact that on May 8th it is 75 years since VE Day. That is Victory over Europe and the end of World War 2 although in the Far East victory was slightly later August 15th, VJ Day, Victory over Japan. This year our Bank Holiday was planned for next Friday, 8th and that weekend. Unfortunately, no one had thought to tell the calendar peeps, and I noticed my calendars still have Monday as a Bank Hols. There are few veterans left from that era, stalwart men like Colonel Tom. Wonder how he is doing today? There were plans to commemorate that day and show respect and honour to those remaining few. I think our Queen will make a speech and probably Boris, who has decided not to take paternity leave at present. Maybe, a few other things will be seen in the media and on the box, but all social activities have been cancelled. Such a shame that those who suffered so much during that time are being deprived of a commemoration. Or perhaps they would rather not have it as a special occasion, from what they say the horrors of that experience live with them everyday. PTSD did not exist in the 1940’s. Those heroes returned from the front to normal lives and got on with it. I am thinking out of the box now, perhaps if possible, some of those events planned for next Friday could still take place on August 15th VJ Day?

I am also thinking of a television programme I watched a couple of days ago. It was a project to transform a whole street into accommodation for todays veteran soldiers returning from tours of duty in such places as Afghanistan and Iraq, and suffering from various physical, and mental issues because of their experiences. They had looked for volunteers with essential expertise, and were rather short in number. The host commented, who would want to give up their hols for such a working project. One man answered, and I paraphrase, “after all they have done for us, our safety, our country and the horrors they have been through this is the least I can do for them. I’m just giving up my holiday and feel honoured to be able to give something back.” Well, it was something like that. It left the host feeling emotional, me too!

So, what are my highlights for today? The Andrew Lloyd Webber Royal Albert Hall Celebration, and my phone call.

Second cuppa time, and let the show begin. Back later.

Hey, I’m back and it’s almost 4.00. Update time. A cyclist has just passed by my window wearing a mask. There are rumours that we are all going to have to wear some form of facial covering soon. There is also talk of schools being opened in phases. Yesterday, a wise person asked if after this, parents would still be fined for taking children out of school during term time. There was no definite reply. Yes, folks, in the UK to crack down on truancy and emphasise the importance of education a law was passed which gave fines for parents who removed their children from education during term sessions.

There’s further talk of some relaxation of restrictions at the end of next week or May 7th, the date given for a review of the situation. Many businesses are preparing in hope. Leisure centres and gyms are moving their equipment to allow social distancing.

What have I done this afternoon? Enjoyed the music. So relaxing. Now, I am going to give you a treat. Just a minute. Behind me I am hearing loads of figures from someone named the Communities Secretary, don’t recognise the face. More testing. More cases. Figures. Just numbers but there’s emphasis on the fact that we have passed the peak. Now, we are getting a thank you for helping to turn the tide by staying at home and obeying the new rules. Alas, there are others who have suffered… domestic violence figures have risen. This is a serious problem. We must defend the rights of those women and children who are suffering. There’s a new domestic abuse bill going through parliament. Only forty years too late for me. Ah, there’s more money being found from nowhere to support this area of society through the pandemic. £76,000,000. Where did that figure come from? There is support. You should not stay at home if you are in danger. Call 999. There is safe accommodation available.

Just checking the figures. We are still in fourth position but with 182,000+ cases, 28,000+ deaths, and 4,000+ new cases. These deaths and new cases far exceed Spain and Italy’s figures. How can this dire situation be getting better?

Oh dear. What did I say about businesses in trouble? Rolls Royce have just announced job losses. This is a knock on effect from the aviation industry who are not placing orders because most planes are grounded and their future is uncertain. Well, you learn something new everyday. I thought they only made posh cars! They manufacture engines for planes.

Now, my treat. I told you earlier this week that I was pleased with my cameo role in the sequel to my novel. “The Singing Horses” was written because of a contest where authors submitted manuscripts in the hope of winning a publishing contract. It was on Facebook and a page was opened for us to chat with each other. I felt as if we were horses in a paddock waiting for the race to start and then we could start getting votes for our work. Many joined in with this idea and decided to take a stall number (I’m #5) and a horse identity; a new story developed. I did bulletins on FB throughout the four months of this contest. We, as horses, went round the world, having many adventures and singing as we neighed for votes. When it was all over, we didn’t want to leave our lovely paddock and stalls, so we had a “neigh-in”. We were going to stay forever. Alas, our lovely paddock was sold, and we spent some horse time in a luxury stable in Los Angeles while our new home in Oklahoma was being built. This book is with publishers, and I hope will be available before I die. Positivity and enthusiasm led me to write the sequel, “The Singing Horses go to Oklahoma”. Whether, it will ever see the light of day remains to be seen. But for now, I would like to share the following extract with you. The talented equine have been neighed that their new home is ready, and before they leave their host, Sire Percival, (Papa 2) has organised a Skype session with all of the friends they made on that first epic ride… Skippy and the kangaroos, Nellie and her elephant herd, camels, horses and several others. There is one last surprise for them… Me!

“Papa 2 neighed, “I have a surprise for you. There’s one more Skype session to come.” They all looked puzzled and perplexed. Who was missing from their lengthy list of friends? A female human appeared on the screen. “Who’s that?” they neighed. “She is your creator and has agreed to listen to your neighs and answer any questions.” Slowly, it was dawning on them that this human was none other than Marilyn L. Rice, the woman who had put them all through so many dramas.

#11 was the first to recover from the shock. He rose to his hooves, “Neigh, dame. On behalf of all of us I would like to neigh our thanks for creating us, bringing us together and making us into the celebrities. We are an élite band and are truly grateful for all that you have done for us. Three neighs for our creator.” He raised his glass and the others followed suit. They gave her the customary three neighs and a hoof clap.

 She smiled before saying, “neigh, thank you. It has been an honour and privilege to ride along with you. I’d like to thank Papa 2 for giving me this opportunity to speak or neigh with you. So, do you have any questions for me?”

#7 was the first to neigh, “Why did you let me get foalnapped? I’ve suffered from PDSD ever since.” She laughed and replied, “Neigh. It was your love of chips that got you into trouble. You followed those chips into that house in New Orleans. I create characters. They are then left to their own devices.” So, it was all his own fault after all.

#5 was next, “Why am I always having “bad mane days” and why did you let that #44 take my lovely stallion #6?” This caused fits of laughter and giggles from the creator. “Your “bad mane days” correspond with my bad mood days and it’s such fun to take it out on you. As for #6’s relationship with #44; they are both mature equine and make their own choices.” #5 was not amused.

#23 was next, “I hate getting up early so why do I have to practice every horse morning?” The reply, “You chose to be a ballerina.” #23 looked pensive, “Did I?” A stunned silence prevailed.

Then #55 rose to her hooves, “I, personally, would like to thank you for giving me this beautiful life. I love being posh and I have the bestest of papa’s and a lovely little bro. So, thank you.”

#44 followed her lead, “Yes, thank you for giving me an aristocratic lifestyle. One is very pleased with one’s life.”

Suddenly, jealousy seemed to break out. The others were wondering why they could not have had easier life. #51 groaned, “Why did you give me the onerous task of having to take the “easy” degree. It was a nightwoman. Why couldn’t I have an easier life?” #12 followed her lead, “Why did I have to be paper mare? I would rather have had a more glamorous job.”

The stallions remained neighless. Their creator just sat back in her luxurious chair and laughed. “You are all so funny, but you gel together with your various tasks and characters. Anyway, one of my neighs is that the past determines the present and the future. Your past experiences have placed you where you are today and you’ve been really happy together in this massive stable, haven’t you?”

Well, they could not disagree with that.

“Now to the future. I’ve had a beautiful new massive stable built for you. You will have a great ride back along Route 66 and love your new home. I’ve lots of fun, happiness and adventures lined up for you all. So, pack your saddlebags, get ready to rock and roll and enjoy the good times ahead.”  She waved before disappearing.

“#64 was the first to neigh, “Well, that was unexpected.”

“Did you like it?” Papa 2 neighed.

There was much thought before their glum, perplexed visages changed to radiant happiness and a chorus of neighing, “Yes, great, fantastic, brill. Never thought she’d look like that. She’s not bad for her age.” #5 put an end to the neighing by indicating it was fodder time and they only had a few horse hours left before they would be moving on to the new experiences their creator had neighed about.”

Well, did you enjoy that? Did you even understand it? Never mind. It’s passed a few minutes of time during lockdown. Guess, I should say “watch this space.”

Wow! Latest news. Even though we were told our PM was in good spirits while in hospital it has just been announced that there was a time when they were preparing a statement announcing his death. It was “touch and go”. No wonder he has such praise for our NHS. He is so grateful that he and his fiancée, Carrie have named their son, Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas. Nicholas after the two doctors, Dr Nick Price and Dr Nick Hart who saved his life last month.

For the rest of today? A chicken dinner, a bit of television and a nice relaxing bubble bath.

Tomorrow… see you then. Stay safe and be happy.


Lady M xxxxx


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