Friday, 22 May 2020

Lockdown 9

Hello Everyone,

Here we are in the ninth week of Lockdown in the UK. Some countries are ahead of us, some behind us. Almost all of the 213 countries, that have declared cases, sadly have to announce some deaths. As I write this, the update is on the television, and despite our case number going down, we still have 35,704 deaths. We are second only to USA. Over 35,000 families here who have lost someone they love to this virus. In the USA, the figure is 92,333. Alarming. My sympathy goes out to all families who have suffered as a result of this pandemic. The total global death figure at the moment is 324,240. Just how high will it go?

I've posted two pics from the archives today. Afternoon tea poster at Langley library, and the Odeon Cinema locally. These were  two places I visited weekly in the pre-Coronavirus days. Memories. I, last visited them both in March, two months ago, but it seems like a decade since normality. I've posted them because I feel we have to hold on to our memories as we look forward with hope of better days in the future. 

I have been sharing some of my daily logs with you through this distressing time. This week, I am going to share last weekend's postings. Please enjoy.

Day 54, Saturday, 16th May. Half-way through another decade!

 Another weekend has arrived although the meaning is not the same as it used to be, is it? It was a kind of reward for having worked a week; a time to let your hair down, relax, have a drink, go out, meet friends, and enjoy yourself. Mentally, prepare for the next challenging week of enterprise and slog which enabled you to earn a living, a comfortable lifestyle or survival. Thankful that you were not homeless, penniless, and destitute. Well, now we know that all that slog for dosh was a waste of time. Money is like magic beans. The Bank just manufactures it at will.

I have great news for you. This morning I received my new toy, a thermometer. Yea. I wonder if I could get into the Guinness Book of Records for taking my temperature the greatest number of times in a day. It’s digital, like most things these days, and beeps, but great fun. I do not have a high temperature or fever. Interesting that I’ve survived for years without a thermometer, but now, it’s like they’re fashionable, or the ‘must have’ gadget. Sold out in shops but available online.

It’s sunny but still chilly, I live in hopes of real warmth arriving soon. Although, the weather is causing panic at our tourist spots. They fear masses will visit them this weekend now that peeps can drive anywhere in England. There are signs up in places like the Lake District, saying it’s closed to tourists, and go home. Normally, they welcome visitors as it’s their main source of income. Someone was on the box last night pointing out that everywhere was closed, cafes, restaurants, shops, hotels, attractions, museums, and toilets. Don’t come!

What am I going to do today? I’m pleased to say that I’ve completed all the tasks I intended doing this week so that’s something to be pleased about. Now, I’m enjoying the Andrew Lloyd Webber free download of "Cats". It’s 12.20 and I’m on my second cuppa. The rest of the day? Potter. Be happy. Take my temperature. Play. BBL

Hey, peeps, I don’t believe it. It has happened. I almost missed it. I was busy working at the front of my mansion, oblivious to what was happening at the back. I heard a knock at the door, rare these days. I looked down from the upper rooms, and thought I was hallucinating. It was a mirage. It must be. It’s been so long. I never thought it would happen again. My neighbour, and friend, Candice, was standing on the step with an ice cream. So pleased she did not have phone to capture my expression. I rushed downstairs, and opened the door. “Has he been?” “He’s there now,” she replied. “What?” as my eyes popped out of my head, I’m salivating just looking at that delicious ‘99’ with chocolate sauce. Social distancing? Hell, who cares? Grab the ice cream. Say thank you. Don’t know. Too much shock, and excitement. Inside. Through to the kitchen. Look through back window. Yes, he’s there. My darling, Antonio’s little ice cream van, parked by my back gate. Why is he allowed to come round during this time? No idea? Do I care? Nope. Thinking back about two weeks at the Oldbury Retail Park I did notice the burger van was open and peeps were buying them. They were queueing to get into shops at a safe distance but happy to walk right up to a burger van and have a burger, chips, whatever handed to them. Logic during this pandemic? Non-existent. From now on, I’ll collect my £1 coins and I’ll be ready for Antonio. What lessons have been learned from this experience? Do not play music while working you never know what you might miss. And, always keep on good terms with the neighbours!

Talking of neighbours. My neighbour of two doors down on Treddles Lane, the one who painted his back wall white a while back, is now turning the front area of his house into a parking space for one of his vehicles. Ah, memories. When I first came to this property, almost forty years ago, all three of the houses on this lane, (Yes, there are only three) had beautiful front gardens as expected for mid-1930 properties. Over the years I have seen those beautiful gardens disappear. I still have one, albeit, changed for easier maintenance, but I still have a lovely hydrangea, beautiful white daisies, blue and pink geraniums plus trees. The grass has gone, replaced with bark chipping making it easier to manage. Next door, one bush left, the rest… Now, two doors down what had been raised, and changed into slabs is at present a mess, while he’s taking it back down to ground level, removing a wall, and making a new parking area. A skip arrived a couple of days ago, and sits in front of the door. It’s the changing times, or the new normal, gardens disappear to be replaced by parking spaces and garages. Although, remember what I said a few days ago? We are all being encouraged to walk or cycle to work, we are not to use public transport for leisure. Will the car become redundant or at least we may return to one per household as opposed to one, per person? These are uncertain times.

Update time. The main topic. Children are due to return to school on June 1s,t or two weeks’ time, providing five tests are met. Here we go again; those famous five tests. This applies to England only, not Scotland or Wales. Schools are preparing by moving classroom furniture around ensuring social distance is maintained. No more than fifteen in a class. Staggered entering, break, lunch, leaving times. Only Reception, Years 1, 6, 10, and 12 will be returning before September. These years have been chosen specifically because they are transitioning or pre-exam years. The Secretary for Education, Gavin Williamson, was at the helm at today’s briefing justifying his decision. We are following other countries in Europe, particularly Denmark. There were some interesting things which gave rise to comment. For example, children may take their own lunchboxes but not pencil cases. The reason? They are far more likely to share pencils than lunchboxes. The Government have conceded that the final decision, if the schools do reopen, will be that of the parents. They will decide whether they are happy with heir children returning to the classroom.

Just looking at pics. Yes, many peeps have hit the beaches and tourist spots despite the warnings. Also, the figures for today are 468 deaths making the UK total deaths, 34,466. Second only to the USA. Apparently, the ‘R’ figure is still under 1 but only just. I cannot see how places can reopen, and not give rise to a second wave of Covid 19. Looking at those pics again; there’s a kind of ignorance to the disaster. Peeps are thoroughly lackadaisical. There’s a protest in Hyde Park against lockdown. Someone has a poster saying “No” to the new abnormal, forced vaccines, being trapped and chipped, being controlled by fear. “Yes” to Life and Freedom. Are these peeps living in cloud cuckoo land? Are they on a different planet from me? I know I say these figures are fiction but Covid 19 is real.

Okay, downstairs. Time for fodder… sweet and sour, I think. Am I going to cook from scratch. Don’t be silly, it’s a meal for one from a famous supermarket. Has anyone else noticed that these meals are decreasing in size? It’s been gradual over the last few years. I microwave it, and then plate it. There used to be a plate full of food. Now, it’s only about half full. So, you nibble at other things because the meal still leaves hunger pangs. Each time the plastic container changes it’s because the size is slightly smaller. Keep your eyes peeled.

Later, tv, games and bed. One more Groundhog Day down!

Day 55, Sunday. Special Day

I’m downstairs, with my candle burning, watching the morning service. Today, it’s the Sixth Sunday of Easter and the service is coming from St David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire. Brought to us from Wales. Guess, if we can’t go there, it can come to us.

I sang along to two of my fav hymns, "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" and "How Great Thou Art." It sent me down memory lane to my early childhood days at Syerston, a small Nottinghamshire village. The Norman Church was a centre point in the village, and the vicar took afternoon services, as he was also the rector for other churches. I recall walking up the lane, with little teddy in hand, Mum and Dad on either side of me. We joined the other villagers for those services. We sat together in one pew, I think it was the fourth from the altar and in front of the pulpit. I recall singing my heart out. Such happy memories of my early days, and learning that Sunday was special. I still visit that church, roughly once a year, to clean my sister’s gravestone. And that will be my final resting place, I have left instructions for my ashes to be interred in that grave. I’ve been talking a lot about things going full circle, or back to the past. I guess my life will be like that. I will return to where I spent my early days.

 Nostalgia! Back to the present and work before Songs of Praise. BBL

Taken my temperature. 35.7C. I’m alive and it’s normal. I think I’m like that ‘R’ thing which has to be below 1. It goes up and down from .5-.9, if you believe the figures. Downstairs again, waiting for "Songs of Praise", wondering will my darling Antonio return, and park by my gate again? I’ll be listening today, ready and waiting, coins by the kitchen door.

Aled Jones is introducing "Songs of Praise".  Bye for now.

Hey, was watering the plants when I heard it. No, not the nightingale in Berkeley Square or the cuckoo but those melodic tones heralding my darling, Antonio. Yes, summer is here. All is normal. I grabbed my coins and rushed out. Almost normal. He was wearing mask and gloves. Sad reminder of the times. Such a tonic to hear him again. Oh, the ice cream was good as well!

8.30 pm. The rest of my day. Boring really. So, yes, today I am a boring person. I tackled the mountain of ironing; it doesn’t get much more boring than that does it? Made a phone call. Watched the box and played games. Looked at the washing up and thought, nah! One boring job a day is enough. Had pizza for dinner. About to watch "Killing Eve". Then, I shall retire and prepare mentally for another Groundhog Day, and the beginning of another week in this decade they call "May".

So goodnight. Oh, yes, I’ll take my temperature again just for fun.

Be safe, Lady M ❤❤❤❤


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