Friday, 31 July 2020


Spring flowers make her feel happy!
Howde Peeps,

Donald and I are still here looking after you for a while. We have popped into her archives and liked her selection of the 'Just' ones, 'be positive', 'smile' and 'be happy'. We have selected the one about happiness as we feel you all need cheering up. This pandemic is not going to get easier anytime soon. We can see how unhappy you peeps are about your jollies being spoilt. We say, 'stay safe, positive and happy'. Enjoy the following.


Lady M still here and admits that most of the things in her life happen by accident or do they? During the last few weeks she has been moved by the tragedy on Easter Sunday and then disillusioned with our international situation declaring that we are in a third world war. The only way to fight negativity, depression or despair is to fight back with positivity. She realised that she has begun her last two postings with the word 'Just'. She has decided it should be the current theme. Just smile, be positive and now happy.

Happiness does not solve problems anymore than smiling or positivity but combined with those two it makes the day brighter. Each morning, when she wakes she thinks of each day as a holiday and a blessing. To be more precise, she doesn't wake up until mid-morning, brunch or coffee time. She is a night owl and seldom goes to bed before the bewitching hour. She finds it difficult to sleep before two a.m. 

Her father had a phrase which she frequently recalls, "there's always someone worse off than you." You may feel like disagreeing if you are going through hard times, bereavement or some form of distress but if you are reading this then presumably you have either a mobile/cell phone, laptop or computer. What about all of those refugees, homeless or peeps who do not have access or cannot afford it? 

She remembers those good old days of the sixties and her life in Derbyshire. One of the annual events was the Bakewell Show; the family went along. Sometimes her father exhibited livestock  and won many prizes. He was so proud of all the rosettes he acquired over the years. There's one long lasting memory of the year he took her into the flower tent and stood for some considerable time admiring the blooms. He smiled and was particularly moved by the beauty of the chrysanthemums, gladioli,  hydrangeas and nature. He radiated happiness as he said, (I paraphrase because it was a long time ago) "Just look at that beauty, think of how its grown, it makes you think about what is beyond the universe and doesn't it make you glad to be alive."

Different things radiate happiness to different people. If the sun is shining it is easier to feel the warmth and happiness. Still, thinking back to the sixties where Lady M seems to live, the great late Ken Dodd had a hit record Happiness, to quote just a few of his lyrics, got no silver, got no gold, but happiness in my soul; happiness is the greatest gift that I possess; I thank the Lord that I've been blessed with more than my share of happiness.

There are no winners in the game of life so do whatever makes you feel happy and enjoy this short sojourn which we have on the earth. Make time for yourself … walk in the rain, enjoy the beauty of nature, visit the cinema, go to the beach, read a book, take up a hobby... or do whatever puts a smile of your face.

Until next week... be happy, smile and be positive. 

Lady M xxxxx

Well, you may find it difficult getting into a cinema at the moment, but you get the gist!

All our love, Donald and Sofia  xxxxx

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