Friday, 14 August 2020

The 'Sofia' Trilogy

Howde Folks,

This week Donald and I thought we would tell you more about ourselves and where we can be found. Donald was my brother-in-law when we were downstairs but, I confess, we were rather naughty and began an affair. Well, if you had been married to his twin brother, Derek, you would understand why. Now, after we were both unfortunate victims of accidents, we are together in the afterlife and spend our time (although time does not exist here) keeping an eye on our family downstairs. Lady M wrote about us in her trilogy and she talks of them below.

Have a great week my friends and stay clear of the dreaded lurgy.

All our love, Donald and Sofia xxxx

Hello Everyone,

The first of the 'Sofia Trilogy', Look After Each Other

The idea for this book was to interweave three things. The inspiration, once again, came from events in my life. I once had the misfortune to meet a gentlemen whose sole aim in life was to complain and find fault. I have always had a strong relationship with my father and thirdly, have visited clairvoyants/mediums. What if? Could I work with a plot involving these three ideas and a lot of 'what if's?  It worked!

"Sofia Haslington is a 36-year-old mother and housewife kept under the thumb of her priggish, anal-retentive husband, Derek. Living by a second-to-second timetable and under strict rules enforced by her husband, Sofia decides to visit a well-respected clairvoyant, hoping for a bit of respite from her otherwise dreary existence. But what she is surprised to learn that day not only changes her changes her.
Sofia, now planning to die on March 5th 2005, writes a "Do or Die" list and, with a renewed sense of spirit, unleashes the bad girl hidden deep down inside. From breaking the Ten Commandments to exploring the marvels of Tantric sex, Sofia goes on a liberating journey of body, mind, and spirit, relishing every last minute she has left on this earth. Women everywhere will laugh, cry, and cheer as Sofia counts down her final moments, making each one more memorable and enjoyable than the last." (Blurb from SBP edition)

I self-published this book in 2007. Later, in 2009, it was republished by the American Strategic Book Publishers in hardback. Both editions (paper/softback and hardback) are still available worldwide on Amazon, The Internet and the hardback edition from good bookshops. The paperback edition is ISBN 9780953945139. The hardback edition is ISBN 9781608600946. Both may be obtained from Internet sites or signed copies from myself. Just leave a message below.

The second of the trilogy, Sofia's Legacy

Sofia's Legacy  answers the question," Is there 'life' after death?" Sofia has died, but come back from "upstairs" to watch her funeral. What a revelation! To be able to see and hear what people were saying about her now that she was dead and they had no idea she could see and hear them. And Derek? Well, if ever there was a hypocrite it's Derek. Her father, Scott was with her and while Derek was, (trying to be the centre of attention), reading a passage from 1 Corinthians at the crematorium, Scott blew smoke rings in his face. He tried to shout above the smoke rings. It was hilarious. You really have to read it to fully appreciate it.  After the service Scott and Sofia joined them for the wake at Haslington Towers.

Sofia becomes accustomed to her new life in a world where time does not exist but where they keep an eye on events "downstairs" and try to help or hinder things. She manages to complete the 'do-or-die' list. Donald and she have many exciting adventures together. They also repeat some of the most enjoyable events; that's another advantage to being deceased or having passed over, because time doesn't exist  experiences may be repeated.

I'm afraid I'm not going to tell you anything else. Just read the book.
SOFIA'S LEGACY (ISBN 9781609763800)  Just email: for further details or you can download on Kindle and all eBooks. Just put the title or ISBN in Amazon, B & N, bookshops on line or Search Engine. It is also available in paperback/softback from Amazon and Internet sites, all good bookshops or order it from your local library... all you need is the ISBN. Finally, purchase from me!

And, completing the trilogy, Love You Forever

Five years have passed. It is 2010. The reader sees how dramatic and unimaginable events have changed the lives of everyone Sofia left behind at Haslington Towers. Even more surprising events occur that lead to devastating consequences. You really will have to read it! I am not going to give anything else away!
But to quote from the blurb,
 "This stunning book series delves into karma, the afterlife, and more things in heaven and earth than you have ever dreamed!"
ISBN: 9781631353659     Soft/Paperback.
Available from Publisher’s Website:   Amazon, online retailers and good bookshops.

Or SIGNED COPIES from the Marilyn L Rice: Email:

Happy Reading! Love Lady M xxxx

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