Friday, 13 November 2020

Covid Chronicles 4

Always keep a candle burning for remembrance, hope and life.

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all keeping well and free from the lurgy. As I prepare this for Friday I note that the global figure has passed 51,000,000 and the USA have passed the 10,000,000 mark. Scary! We have, in England been in lockdown for six days but it is not as restricted as last time. I am puzzled. Either it is a full lockdown or it is not. Wales has just come out of its 'fire breaker' and claim that the number of cases has decreased. However, this is not the main news this week. The USA election has upstaged it. Trump is 'out' and Biden is 'in', we think but as far as Trump is concerned it is not over. He talks of election rigging and is contesting it. Okay, he can afford it. I have an interesting mental picture of next January when Joe Biden is inaugurated and attempts to get into the White House. The cameras are focused on a screaming Donald Trump being forcibly evicted. 

This week I am sharing the weekends postings with you. Enjoy.

Day 229, November 7th, 2020. Saturday. Lockdown 2, Day 3

Afternoon. I am back. Yesterday has disappeared down the black hole of memories. America is close to a conclusion. Here, it is a fantastic day for November. My car is due for its annual service and M o T on Thursday. Actually, it is its 18-month service not annual, courtesy of Coronavirus. I was pleased in May because I saved dosh, but I have to spend it now. I have been outside and cleared everything out of it ready for Thursday. Hopefully, the collection and delivery service will be operating, or I have a seven-mile drive and a long wait ahead of me.

I have pottered about today, playing, tidying up, wrapping Christmas pressies and even managed a spot of ‘touch up’ painting. I found it all a little tiring considering my soixante-neuf age. Then needed a snooze. Now, it’s almost dinner time but I am doing a spot of work before playing on Clockmaker.

16.40. Breaking news. America has a result. Joe Biden has passed the magic number of 270 in the Electoral College (whatever that means. America please excuse my ignorance.) He is now at 273 and declared President elect while Trump remains on 214 and probably sulking, barricading himself in the White House, and starting his campaign to be reinstated on the grounds of a fraudulent election although there is no evidence to support that. Half of America must be rejoicing but my gut feeling tells me this aint over yet.

Day 230, November 8th, 2020. Remembrance Sunday, Lockdown 2, Day 4.

Hi there peeps, all this counting is ‘doing my head in’. Yes, it is 230 days since Boris announced the lockdown which lasted for about three months and not the predicted three weeks. Many thought erroneously that it was all over when the first non-essential businesses opened. Well, how wrong were they? And it is day 4 of the present lockdown. If you think it’s gonna be the last one, I fear you are mistaken.

First, I want to talk to you about last night. There was the traditional BBC Remembrance Service from The Royal Albert Hall. Remembrance Day is 11th of this month and commemorated specifically for all those who have not returned from war. However, a service and ceremony are held on the weekend nearest to the date. There will be another service from Westminster Abbey on Wednesday morning. Last night the service went ahead, presented by Hew Edwards, and in its normal form but without an audience. I believe it had been pre-recorded but that was the only difference. Some World War 2 veterans were present in the Hall including the one and only, Captain Sir Tom Moore! I am beginning to fall in love with that man. He is such a treasure and inspiration. I hope those who are in the ‘suicidal’ frame of mind will look at him, smile and gain positivity and hope from his endeavours and attitude towards life, “tomorrow will be a good day”. I am digressing but that’s what ‘Tom’ does to me. Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were present and gave speeches. There was music from the late Vera Lynn, (from her news clips obviously). Readings and songs plus a short service. We also saw a recording of the Queen’s visit to Westminster Abbey earlier in the week where she laid a replica of her wedding bouquet on the tomb of the unknown soldier. I hadn’t realised but it is 100 years since her great-grandfather, George V oversaw the solemn event of the burial of that individual. Isn’t it weird how things happen? This year we should have been having great celebrations for the 75th anniversary of VE and VJ Day. Even the Chelsea Pensioners who would normally walk down the steps to a standing ovation were not forgotten. Michael Ball and Alfie Boe joined them in their home for a special recording of ‘Boys of the Old Brigade’ the music usually played when they make their appearance.

What all this tells me is that our life is continuing regardless of the lurgy. We have adapted to the brave new world. I do not see us ever returning to the old ways of the late 20th/early 21st century. Life has changed. We are learning to accept that fact. Peeps have woken up and smelt the roses, learned what is important in life and it is not having the latest iPad. It is kindness, love, generosity, giving and not grabbing. Although yesterday has gone and the rat race has slowed down, I find it interesting that some of the old ways have returned… baking, gardening, growing vegetables, conversation, time with family. We have harkened to the ‘wake up’ call of nature.

That was last night. Now, this morning. First, the gardener arrived. So, now I have two green garden waste bins full of dead flowers, weeds, privet, and leaves. (I borrowed a bin. Must make sure I return it before someone nicks it!) Also, a garden ready for winter. Really need a few more bark chippings but are they essential items? Can the gardener find any? Watch this space.

While he was working, I watched the service at the Cenotaph in London. Again, as normal minus the 10,000 veterans and service personnel who do the march past. It was reduced to 26 peeps. The Royal family were present in force with two exceptions, Prince Harry, and Prince Andrew. The Queen, Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Wessex, and Commander Tim Lawrence were all present at windows watching the laying of the wreaths as usual, but they were social distancing! For the first time we saw Prince Edward stepping up to the mark replacing the missing members of the family. Wonder if they were watching? All the peeps who were taking part were social distancing. We have adapted.

Then, I watched “Songs of Praise”. It is not Sunday without that is it? Led by Aled Jones with the Remembrance theme. Conversations with veterans who pleaded with us never to forget those who gave their lives for us. Those brave men, they fought with and watched die. Once again, I am embarrassed when I think of how appalling my generation were in the sixties. War was over, gone and forgotten. Let’s enjoy life. We messed up. Thankfully, the youth of today have brought us back to our senses.

This morning seemed like a day and a half. Lunch. Play and work. This evening it is chicken chow mein for dinner and films.

Almost forgot. Been so much happening. Covid situation. Grim. Figure 50,387,605. That was originally my Christmas estimate. Last Sunday it was 46,788,146. It had risen by 3,619,000+. Approx the same as this week.


Choose to be happy, have no regrets, and stay safe my friends. Love to you all, Lady M 💓💓💓


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