Friday, 28 November 2014

Sofia's Selection 4

Howde Folks!


I've decided to embarrass her by going back to 'Life at 6'. You may remember that she was dreading reaching 60 and declared herself to be '6' for the next decade. Anyway, that was almost four years ago. She's perilously close to 64, now. We keep humming the famous song by The Beatles, "When I'm 64" just to annoy her.

Hello Everyone,
Yes, the 'Big Day' arrived and you can see from these photographs that I enjoyed it!
Now, I'm back in England at the start of my next decade.
As you have seen in the last blogs, Cyprus has been a whirl of excitement, visiting the sites, crossing the 'green' line in Nicosia, spending about ten minutes on Turkish soil as opposed to Greek and numerous other things. I've met new friends and been reacquainted with old ones. For those of you who remember my New Year's Resolution, which was to take every opportunity and challenge that came my way and enjoy them, after I had learned to use chop sticks at the Fortina; I can tell you that I've enjoyed a new opportunity - I've learned to play Rummikub! I'd never heard of it but now I love it. How many of you are still keeping up New Year Resolutions?
Anyway, I was getting concerned as the B day was drawing nearer...
On the 15th, I woke up and said to myself, (I can assure you that there was no one else in the room!) OMG It's the last day of the Brighton Line and for non-Bingo players, that's 59. It was a wet day which did nothing to help my forlorn mood. My new friend, Marion, was desperate to remind me of my impending doom at lunchtime. Feeling ancient I had a snooze in the afternoon and by dinner time I was almost counting the minutes until midnight.
Much to my surprise, it was a bright sunny day on the 16th and my first view was of the beautiful harbour and fort from my room. I remembered I was only 6 and declared that I would be more badly behaved this time round. Cards had been arriving for several days so I opened them with my morning cuppa and displayed them on the table. I had bought a special Tee Shirt for the occasion, I AM NOT 60, I AM 18 WITH 42 YEARS EXPERIENCE. I wore it with pride and went down to breakfast.
Marion was waiting for me. Then, I knew I was only 6 because presents of sweets and chocolates arrived. Marion had discovered Aphrodites Secret a shop selling honey almond sweets and purchased some which she deeply regretted and requested people assist her in devouring them. Well, one has to help a friend in need... Knowing how much I enjoyed eating them, as you can see, in the above photo, she kindly bought me some of my own! And another box of chocolates was handed to me by the SAGA rep, my dear friend Henry Phillips. I just kept my hand over the '0' on the Tee shirt and stated that I was only 6!
Later, I strolled to the harbour for a coffee at my favourite place. After lunch, I spent the afternoon on my sun lounger. I certainly did not do that the first time round! At some stage during the afternoon the birthday fairies aka Guest Relations at the hotel found their way to my room and left champagne and balloons.
And the perfect day continued into the early evening. At dinner, I was given another bottle of champagne; I had help enjoying it! Then, came the cake. If this is 'Life at '6'' bring it on!
One of the cards I received, had been left by a lady who had returned to England the previous week, I thought it was such a nice thing to do but her final comment was even more poignant and I would like to share it with you as my thought for the week.
Thought for the week: The best is yet to come!


Love You Forever, Sofia (and Donald) xxxx

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