Friday, 12 June 2020

Lockdown 12

A holiday memory, Yeriskipou Church, Cyprus

Hello Peeps,

Lady M still here and somehow surviving Lockdown in what I can only describe as a desperate country. It is now thought that we should have gone into lockdown a week earlier, and then the number of deaths would be half what it is now. Well, we are only second to America. Fourth in the global table and we have the worst situation in Europe. We see New Zealand on the news, a country totally free of the virus. They have moved back to normality. The secret? Early lockdown and good testing. 

This week I would like to share my log for last weekend. 

Day 75, Another weekend!

Wow! I’m looking at the news and am seriously alarmed. Protests are going ahead worldwide over the death of George Floyd. Yes, okay. All for it. "Black Lives Matter" but we are in a pandemic. What do I see? Thousands of peeps in close proximity at Parliament Square, London. Both the Home and Health Secretary have pleaded with peeps not to gather in large numbers at this time; in fact not more than six peeps. Their pleas have been ignored. Clearly, peeps desire to protest over racism against blacks is stronger than their concern over the pandemic. We all know what that means. Soon that ‘R’ figure is gonna rise again. Look out! Lockdown will be back.

An interesting point has just been made. Technically, these peeps are breaking the law. Are the police going to arrest them? Unlikely. I see a poster at the lead, as they’re marching to the Home Office, JUSTICE FOR and beneath it pics of about eight peeps who have presumably lost their lives through injustice and police brutality. I’m now hearing that George Floyd is not alone in this situation of being unable to breathe and pleading for his life. The PM of Australia is on the news. He has given the same message to peeps, but Sydney is alive with throngs and masses of protestors. The Australians and the rest of the world are united. Covid 19 has taken second place to racism. Okay, things are wrong and need to be put right, but now? Surely, this will add fuel to the fire of racism when more peeps lose relatives as a result of increased victims of Covid 19.

Actually, I think it’s confession time. I am a white British individual and deffo not racist but I am guilty of that ostrich approach to the racist situation largely through ignorance. I have had Sikh neighbours for many years. In more recent years we have had serious parking issues on our little street. The police have been involved and my neighbours have said that the police both listened and treated me differently from them. I didn’t believe it, but then I’m educated to degree level, an author, and former teacher. The lottery of life. I guess it’s been a case of ignorance being bliss. How many others can identify with me? 

Moving on. It’s after 2.00. What have I done today? Lazed. What am I going to do? Laze. I blame the weather. It’s drab and that wet stuff occasionally falls from the sky. So different from last weekend when all the windows were open and the sun ruled the sky. Oh well, it will return; it’s just having a little rest at the moment.

Gonna watch the film "Carousel" later. Have fun, folks.

Had lunch. Hey, Antonio has been in between that wet stuff falling. Made my day. The film is as good as ever. Waiting for the famous song, very appropriate for today, "You’ll never walk alone".

Will make my phone call when the film finishes.

Such a sad ending. Made the call, and had dinner. Now I’m looking at the figures. Today the UK has 1,557 new cases. Worldwide the figure is 86,239. Lockdown is easing? What planet are those peeps on? After today’s worldwide protests it will probably be double that in a couple of weeks. There’s a time and place for everything. This is not the time for protest marches whatever the reason. So much has happened virtually in the last weeks why can’t the civil rights movement use virtual reality for now and protest later? 

Okay, I’m saying goodnight now. Back tomorrow.

Day 76, Sunday June 7th Trinity Sunday.

Today is a day of many happy memories. I’ve been looking at my photo album from the sixties. I have pretty pics of me in chorister robes walking through our lovely little village, Ashford in the Water, at the Blessing of the Wells. This is an ancient Derbyshire tradition; peeps gave thanks to God for the gift of wells and life giving water. I wonder if it’s happening this year? Our church was the Holy Trinity Church, hence the reason our thanksgiving was on Trinity Sunday. 

We moved to this village in March 1960. I recall talk of wells dressing and had a vision of peeps taking clothes to put on the wells. Alas, that is not the case. The dressing is large clay boards with flower petals and foliage pressed into the clay to create an image, usually Biblical. Each Well had a name and a specific group in the community was responsible for it. Once completed and erected they would stay in place for a week. Visitors would come to view them; they were also a source of income. When it was over they were removed and stored until the next year; six weeks before the event they would be taken down to the river and placed in the water to soften the clay. Clever! That first year, sixty years ago I helped for the first time. My allocated well? The Children’s Well. I stayed with that one through to my last time, in 1969, prior to College days. Treasured memories. 

Last year, I was looking at a page on Facebook on the history of that village and saw a short film of one of those years. I couldn’t believe my eyes; there was my father crossing the road. Yes, my father alive again. Wonderful. What’s that phrase, “Today’s moments are tomorrow’s memories?”

This morning I watched the service from St David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire and later "Songs of Praise". Today, “S of P”was a special one and not the one originally planned. It highlighted the murder of George Floyd and the racist issue. Illuminating and certainly a better way to look at the problem than marching in large crowds and adding to the pandemic problem. A phrase has just come to mind… Houston, we have a problem!

It is still wet and drab here but my darling delivered. His melodic tones brighten any day. How many more peeps chose to buy ice cream today? Probably not many. Who cares?

There’s no update on the virus this weekend. I wonder why? Has our government gone into hiding, in fear of the community, after so many mistakes over Covid19? There are more protests this afternoon in various cities. Why have they not been stopped? The figures? Total cases has now passed the 7,000,000 mark. 

Okay, off for lunch now and possibly a bit of ironing I think plus games, tv and work. I shall end the day with a bubble bath.

Have fun. Just think. The easy option is always the easiest but it may not be the best. There’s no problem that does not have a solution but finding it is the hard part. For the sake of your sanity accept what you cannot change.

Stay safe, peeps. Lots of love, Lady M xxxxx

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