Friday, 19 June 2020

Lockdown 13

Almost 10 years ago and a different world

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all okay and surviving this crazy world. As I write this Beijing has gone into lockdown for the second time. I think that is a warning for all of us. This pandemic is not going anywhere soon. Somehow, we have to get used to a new way of life with the good old days as a distant memory. The pic this week is the champers on my 60th birthday at the Alexander Hotel in Paphos. That was a wonderful day and I think all we have now are our memories.

I'm sharing last weekend's logs of this pandemic. Enjoy.

Day 82, Saturday 13th, Weekend time again.

Morning peeps. I’m up bright and early today because I wanna watch the Queen’s official birthday celebration at Windsor Castle. Now, Britain is almost obsessed with tradition. The trooping of the colour is a tradition which normally takes place on the Queen’s official birthday at Horse Guards Parade in London. It is an event when most of the Royal Family are present, today just her Majesty. We watched the Welsh Guards march round the castle before assembling on the grass area for the actual presenting the ensign. It was all done with social distancing. So, instead of the guards being shoulder to shoulder they were two metres apart. It was different but just shows what you can do. It’s our Queen’s first public appearance since March. Hey, she’s still working.

What else is happening today? Hopefully, Antonio will arrive and I’m pleased to announce it’s sunny and feeling warmer. I am distressed to see that the protest marches are continuing. Why are marches not banned? I am also disgusted because we have to protect our statutes erected to eminent people like Churchill and Baden Powell. They have become objects for racist graffiti and destruction. This shows a total lack of respect for our country and heritage. I would like to respectively remind the black lives matter brigade in this country that firstly, all lives matter and secondly, we are traditionally a white, Christian country. We have welcomed other societies into our land and accommodated their religion, culture and way of life. If you’re not happy here there is a simple solution.

On the Covid front Brazil is in an alarming state with 820,000 + cases and 40,000 + deaths. They now have more deaths than Britain and numerous more cases than anywhere other than the USA. Beijing has had another breakout of the virus in the largest market in the city. Six cases have been confirmed after fifty days of freedom in the city. Now, certain parts are in lockdown again. I think it’s a warning for all of us.

Oh no. Disaster. I was upstairs when I heard my love’s melodic tones. I rushed downstairs, in desperation collected my coins and went out of the backdoor just as he drove off. No ice cream. Back to proof reading. Made my phone call. No answer. It’s just not my day.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Oh dear. I’m not the only one having a bad day. There’s been numerous protest marches up and down the country in various cities and towns. Violence has erupted and police injured. A man has been pictured urinating on the Westminster memorial to PC Keith Palmer killed in the terror attack on Westminster in 2017. He has been arrested. What is the matter with people?

And we end the day with rain and thunderstorms!

Goodnight Peeps!

Day 83, Sunday, special day of the week

Today is a new adventure, a blank canvas, a day of opportunities and a day to enjoy. Positivity after yesterday.

The sun is announcing a glorious day. I’m up early ready for the morning service. Downstairs. Breakfast and candles burning by 10.45. A beautiful service for the first Sunday after Trinity from Manchester’s Holy Trinity Platt Church. Later Songs of Praise.

Hey, I hear him. Rushed out and got my ice cream today. All is well with the world.

I can’t believe it but it’s three years since the Grenfell Tower fire disaster. It is newsworthy and the point is made that lives were changed that day. It’s not over. There are still too many, I think they said 200 tower blocks with the same dangerous, fire hazard cladding. There was a service to remember the 79 who lost their lives that night. I still remember my horror when I put the tv on the next morning and saw the fire still blazing away. It was like the film, The Towering Inferno. Fiction becomes reality.

Sadly, Covid 19 is taking second place to the riots and marches. Covid is far more destructive and dangerous. Why are these peeps congregating in masses and not practising social distancing. Those of us with brains know what’s coming next. Why are these global activities not being banned? The whole situation is out of control. Another black man has been shot by a police officer in Atlanta. He was being arrested, struggled and took a police officer's taser as he tried to escape. The whole thing was filmed and has become headline news as the officer chased him and, presumably in fear of losing a man who had failed a breathalyser, shot him with either two or three shots. Didn’t count them but it was like watching a movie. Another police officer, too trigger happy and dismissed from his post.

Over here during the riots in London an opposite scene has become the main news item. A white man was on the ground and black men lifted him up. One black man, Patrick Hutchinson put him over his shoulder and carried him away from the masses where he would have been trampled on and probably lost his life. Please note I am allowed to say black and white now.

This, like so many things over the last months, has taken me down that memory lane to the sixties. I recall the famous Martin Luther King I have a dream speech. Later, in 2003 I visited the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee where he was assassinated. Just a wreath lay on the balcony. It just looked so small and insignificant for such a major piece of history.

I’ll be back tomorrow. Have fun my friends and stay safe.

Lady M xxxxx

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