Friday, 8 January 2021

Lockdown 3


Hello Everyone,

The Singing Horses and I would like to wish you a Happy 2021 despite these trying times. We need to keep smiling and stay positive. Okay, maybe I am getting a little repetitive but you know it makes sense. Misery, worry, anxiety leads to depression and is a downward road. Happiness will keep us going even if, and as I fear, 2021 will not be much better than 2020. It will come to an end and so will this dreaded lurgy. As I write this, we in England are back in lockdown. We are back to square one, exactly where we were last March. How many more lockdowns? I think another two and a third wave. Hopefully, I am wrong but I have been right so far. If I am right even more reason to stay cheerful. Our Boris spoke to the Nation at 8.00pm last night, Monday, and gave us this sad news, not that we were not expecting it. Our 'R' rate is above one, our NHS is struggling. Schools must close. We must stay at home apart from essential shopping, medical reasons, exercise... We have heard it all before. Holiday abroad? Forget it. All foreign travel for pleasure is banned. Boris has a reputation for tardiness but I will say this about him, he has got balls! He has been close to death after contracting Covid-19 but survived and keeps going or thriving on energy from somewhere. He has a positivity and optimism throughout and how did he conclude his address last night? We have a vaccine. We are injecting to full capacity and hope to have the top four categories inoculated by Easter thus summer should be normal. Right or wrong Boris will come through smiling and so must we!

Stay safe everyone. Lots of love, Lady M 💓💓💓

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