Friday 21 June 2019

Royal Ascot opening day.

Hello everyone,

The JUST series is over and I'm sure you're all waiting with bated breath wondering what is coming next. So am I!

Lady M usually writes these posts on Tuesdays. Why? I've no idea but she does.  Maybe, it's all linked to her theory on predestination. It is just meant to be. 

She is, at present, reclining on her sofa and viewing the Ascot opening day. The carriages are heading toward the Royal Enclosure. Our Queen leads four carriages carrying other members of the Royal family. This has made her think! Apparently, Ascot is the first event in the Queen's diary every year. It is a British tradition, steeped in history and with pageantry. There is also a strong dress code for the Royal Enclosure; ladies wear designer outfits with beautiful hats while gentlemen have top hat and tails. It would be one of Lady M's favorite places as the champagne appears to flow like water.In this day and age are such events as Ascot outdated? Should we be more concerned with other things in life like homelessness and poverty rather than decadence and opulence? Or are these traditions essential for our entertainment and morale? Would Britain be the same if it lost so much of its heritage?

When she thinks of Ascot she also remembers the musical from the sixties based on Shaw's Pygmalion, My Fair Lady. Who could forget the famous Ascot scene where Eliza shouts after the horse, Come on Dover, move her bloomin' arse! A phrase no one would ever associate with Ascot.

Horse racing? A sport, hobby, entertainment or addiction? How much money will be placed and lost this afternoon. Okay, the majority of those at Ascot are not short of a bob or two but others are not as fortunate. They may find themselves getting hooked in an effort to make money rather like in casinos, or scratch cards desperately hoping to win a fortune against all the odds.

Another race has just started, The Coventry. Those horses are doing their best but are they enjoying it? A commentator is getting excited... They're approaching the post and Arizona has won. There's now a replay and further commentary. Some are cheering at their winnings, others sighing! Ryan Moore,  the jockey is being interviewed as he takes the horse to the paddock. His number was 1 and his odds were favorite at 15-8.

Now, the umbrellas are up as the rain which has been plaguing our country and causing a wet June and floods has decided to descend on the race. I'm sure it will not dampen things for those attending.
She wishes all of them a great time through the Ascot days as she signs off until next week hopefully having given you some fodder for thought.

Yours, not at Ascot, Lady M xxxx

1 comment:

  1. I think Ascot is as important as solving today's problems. Not only is it steeped in history, as you said, but It's an escape for the ordinary guy watching it on TV. It's the stuff of movies like "My Fair Lady." We all need some kind of escape. I think that's why I follow your royals. Have a great day!
