Friday 17 January 2020

The Reading Challenge!

Hello Everyone,

Lady M here. I hope you've enjoyed my two January posts and they've cheered you up through what is traditionally a depressing time of year. I went to the library on Monday and they told me that next week they are having the town crier at the door greeting peeps with the traditional, "hear ye..." and announcing news. This is a novel way of brightening up what has become known as Blue Monday, the day when most people are depressed. Does that mean no one is depressed at any other time of the year? According to Wikipedia this term began in 2005 and only applies to the Northern Hemisphere. It is a gloomy title given to the third Monday in January and is due to a combination of post Christmas blues, the weather and arrival of unpaid credit bills. 

Well, what Lady M says is the glass is half full, stay positive and look forward to good times ahead. Happiness comes from within and we need to find our own ways of surviving dark days. This week I would like to share with you something I have found and am participating in. It has helped lift the January blues. I am taking the Penguin Reading Challenge. I believe other publishing houses, like Random House, are also offering challenges. It's a simple thing to do if you love books and reading... just sign up for it and tick one or more categories. They email you a list of books each month throughout the year. I'm not totally naïve, I know that it is really a marketing opportunity and the main idea is to see a rise in sale figures but there are wonderful places called libraries where you can obtain them for free, read them and return them.

There are four categories as below. What could be easier?
Expand my mind
Keep up with the big hits
Read the books I've always meant to
Discover the best contemporary writing
           Read stories, poetry, essays and more  from critically-acclaimed writers.

So far, I've found an interesting concept on time by reading The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli. I am moving on to another Sophie Kinsella novel and A Stranger in the House by Shari Lapena. I am familar with Sophie Kinsella's work but the other two are new authors to me and I would not have found them without doing this challenge. It is important that we open up our eyes to new opportunities. Please let me know if you choose to join me in this challenge or if you have discovered new ideas for surviving January but remember that glass and keep smiling.

All my love, Lady Mxxx


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